Stevens ELC Staff Feature: Rob McCarthy, Music Teacher

Learn more about our music teacher and what kinds of resources he recommends for your family at home!

What is your role at Stevens for the SY20-21? How long have you been teaching? I will be the music specialist at Stevens for the SY20-21.  I finished my MMEd at Boston Conservatory in 2015 and went on to teach PreK through 8th Grade music in Massachusetts.  I am very excited to teach our new students this year!

What do you love most about the ECE age group? Teaching this age group reminds me that music is for everyone.  Regardless of ability or background, anyone is capable of engaging in, and finding joy in, music.  Just like our young learners, anyone can find joy in singing, dancing, and music making!

Can you share a little about your teaching philosophy? “If you’re not having fun then you’re doing it wrong.”  It sounds simple enough but it’s true; students are more likely to be engaged if the lesson is exciting and full of joy.  Especially at this age, where children learn through tactile/kinetic experiences.  In order to foster interest in our subject areas, we should show the kids why we fell in love with it too!

How can we make virtual learning successful? Virtual learning will be successful if the community – teachers, families, and peers – are there to support our students during this very strange time in our lives.  If we all make the commitment to our students, we will get through this with flying colors.

Are there any resources you recommend for families? As far as music resources, I just recommend any music making apps or websites that are user friendly and get kids making music quickly.  For smartphones there are an endless number of apps.  A fun website for students and parents to explore is Incredibox, where you can easily make your own songs.

What are some of your favorite children’s books or music resources? For Books, I love Oh, The Places You’ll Go! By Dr. Seuss, as well as Strega Nona  by Tommie dePaola.

For Music, I always recommend a cd by Raffi.  Also check out 1, 2, 3 Andres! For some great bilingual children’s music.

What was your favorite childhood book or music memory? Sitting in the car with my dad listening to all of his Rolling Stones albums.  Then memorizing the words to all the songs.  Then singing those songs to anyone who would listen, making my dad laugh.

If you could have any super power what would it be and why? I would love to teleport!

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